培養學生在智力、身體、心理、社會和道德層面上全面發展,使學生 成為家庭和社會的財富。
深大師范學院國際高中好嗎?★ Our VISION
Encourage students to value creativity and discovery, so that they will embrace learning as an exciting lifelong activity.
Develop well-rounded students; intellectually, physically,emotionally, socially and morally so that they will be an asset to their families and to society.
Develop each student’s self-esteem, confidence and self-reliance so that they will be able to discover their own strengths.
Prepare students to meet not only academic challenges but also personal and ethical ones so that they will be responsible and caring individuals with a clear sense of values, able to play a role in forming a just and peaceful world.
Develop a sense of allegiance to their national and cultural heritage while at the same time fostering an awareness, acceptance and appreciation of cultural diversity so necessary in an increasingly globalised society.
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