The age guidelines for entry to the Senior College are as follows:
Year level of placement is determined by an applicant’s age as of 1st September in the academic year of entry. All students, Chinese or foreign, who will have reached the age of fourteen by September 1st, are eligible to apply.
An exception to this policy would require the approval of the Head of Senior College and would only be made when all the evidence suggests it is in the student’s best interest to be enrolled in a year other than what his/her age suggests.
Admissions Criteria 申請條件
Senior College considers applicants for entry to Pre-Foundation, Foundation and Grade 11-12. Only in exceptional circumstances can the College consider applications to enter in Grade 12. Any decision to allow an applicant to apply for entry to Grade 12 should be made by the Principal or Head of School.
Pre-Foundation – students who do not have a Grade 9 GPA and therefore need 4-year course in order to qualify for entry to USA universities. The Pre-Foundation course completes Grade 8 of the Chinese National Curriculum and introduces the core skills of the IGCSE programme.
Grade 10 – Students who have successfully completed the Foundation year programme enter Grade 10 and study for 5 IGCSE subjects.
Grade 11 – students who have sufficient IGCSEs or equivalent to justify entry to the first year of the A-level programme. Students in the Grade 11 programme start the first year of A-levels.
Grade 12 – the second year of the A-level programme.
北京禮德國際學院高中設有:預備課學年(9年級)、高中基礎課學年(10年級)、11年級和12年級。只有在特殊情況下學生可以考慮申請入讀12年級,申請入讀12 年級需要提前獲得校長或高中主任的批準。
11年級——A Level課程的一年。申請人需獲得IGCSEs或與其相等的課程證書。
12年級——A Level 課程二年。
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